Amit Shah praises the two J&K police officers who returned the cash-filled bag to the Amarnath devotee
Nadia Farooq

I admire them for being so honest and trustworthy.

Srinagar, India, July 10: Indian Home Minister Amit Shah praised two Jammu and Kashmir police officers on Monday for returning an Amarnath pilgrim’s luggage, which included Rs 80,000 in cash.

Shah tweeted his admiration for Darshan Kumar and Satpal, two police officers.


The lives we touch are forever changed by the honourable and truthful deeds we do. J&K Police ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal validated this proverb. A suitcase containing 80,000, a cell phone, and Yatra paperwork was discovered. They located the pilgrim who had lost it and returned it to her. I respect them as a model of honesty, he remarked.



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