Drug Law Enforcement Agency (DLSA) Kishtwar hosts anti-drug campaign
Drug Law Enforcement Agency (DLSA) Kishtwar hosts anti-drug campaign

20 May, Srinagar: The Girls High School Sangram Bhata Kishtwar hosted a one-day event on “Victims of Drug Abuse and Eradication of Drug Menace” hosted by the District Legal Services Authority Kishtwar.

This special event’s honoured guest was Mahmud Anwar Alnasir. Alnasir, Chief Judicial Magistrate of Kishtwar, urged pupils in his talk to put in their best effort and never forget why their parents had them go to school in the first place. They should be thankful for the opportunity to further their knowledge. Despite the fact that schooling is provided for free up to the age of 14, there are still millions of children who do not have access to this fundamental right.


Weak souls are vulnerable to the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction, he said. He warned the youngsters against letting their guard down and becoming “innocent” couriers who carry and deliver packages for strangers. They should report any such individual with whom they come into touch.

DLADC Adv. Naveed, Adv. Suman Bhandari, Adv. Pooja, and LCPO Juvenile Justice Board Basharat were also present as resource people. The last part of the event was discussions with schoolchildren.



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