In New Delhi, Raman Bhalla talks with Sonia Gandhi
In New Delhi, Raman Bhalla talks with Sonia Gandhi

Raman Bhalla, working president of the J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), met with former party president Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday in New Delhi.

According to a news statement, he updated the previous Party President on the political situation in J&K and discussed a broad variety of problems affecting the people of J&K.


He updated Gandhi on the current political climate and party organisational efforts. In addition, he spoke on the responses he had received from workers and citizens about the current BJP government’s performance and the Congress’s efforts to advocate for the people of J&K.

Bhalla also outlined a number of strategies for bolstering the party in J&K. He also updated Sonia Gandhi on the political and social climate in Jammu and Kashmir, namely the increasing unemployment, stagnant infrastructure, and other pressing matters.

In addition, he informed the ruling class that the lack of a popular administration was causing discontent among the populace, and that the current dispensation was to blame.

A press release from the Congress Party stated that Sonia Gandhi had thanked the working president and cadres of the Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) for their efforts in combating “communal and divisive forces” in the state.



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