100 of the world's best robotic surgeons from 14 different countries discuss proven techniques
100 of the world's best robotic surgeons from 14 different countries discuss proven techniques

Shopian, June 3 – A female patient suffering from terrible agony as a result of acute gastroenteritis arrived at District Hospital Shopian (DHS) on Friday afternoon.

Dr. Malik Nasir, a senior physician at the institution, examined the patient and discovered that he was hypertensive and had chronic kidney disease (CKD). The doctor quickly instructed her to go to the hospital laboratory for a VBG test. The test indicated that the patient had excessive potassium plasma of 7.1 meq/L, which may have been deadly.


The patient was hospitalised right away and started on hemodialysis. Her potassium level quickly dropped to 5. 1 meq/L and she was released from the hospital. Many patients’ lives have been saved because to the VBG equipment, which was installed at the institution in 2022.

“It was only possible because the facility has a high-end VBG analyzer,” stated Dr Rubeena, Medical Superintendent, District Hospital Shopian. She said that the hospital is attempting to do all such life-saving operations. “It will also lessen the burden on tertiary care hospitals,” she adds.

The simple but critical blood test is used to assess the quantities of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood as well as the pH level. The imbalances may signal a variety of medical disorders such as renal failure, heart failure, or shock. The test is offered only at a few government hospitals in the valley and may be performed at any private clinic in the region. “We are very fortunate to have this facility available at the hospital,” the patient stated.



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