Jammu and Kashmir Lowest Temperatures Ever
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Thursday, May 25, in Srinagar: As the afternoon progressed, the sky got overcast, and strong winds began howling and blowing throughout the Kashmir valley. This caused the sky to become more gloomy.

People were spotted scurrying for shelter as the city experienced a storm-like condition, which was accompanied by rain and lightning. The gusty winds also caused traffic and pedestrian movement in the city to be hampered.


Waves were observed crashing onto the shores of Dal Lake in videos that were published online, and shikaras that were moored in the lake were seen shaking.

There have been reports of hailstorms in the Budgam district of central Kashmir as well as in the northern region of Kashmir. Roadside merchants in Srinagar were compelled to stop their work for the day as a result of the persistent downpours, high winds, and thunder.

During this time, an independent weatherman named Faizan Arif issued a warning that the current weather pattern will persist for the next five hours.

As of this moment, there have been no reports of injuries or fatalities coming from any region of Kashmir.



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