The chief secretary assesses the development of IT projects
The chief secretary assesses the development of IT projects

focuses on a 3-day officer idea-sharing session on FRG

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 18: Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta noted that J&K has made greater strides in adopting technology to bring government to the doorsteps of the people on the second day of the three-day workshop organised by the J&K Planning, Development & Monitoring Department for administration on the theme of “Future Ready Governance (FRG)” and “Future Universities.”


From August 17 to August 19, the workshop will be conducted, and today’s sessions will focus on Future Ready Governance, the University of the Future, and a “Pilot Project in the Agriculture Department (containing Dairy and Other Items). For this session, which was attended by the Administrative Secretaries, HoDs, and other senior members of the Planning Department, Anurag Goel, a former secretary of the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs and a UN SDG expert, served as the resource person.

By digitising all of its G2C and G2B services in less than 2 years, the Chief Secretary said in his speech today that the UT had made tremendous strides in putting its best foot forward. Using artificial intelligence or application programming interfaces (APIs), he said, the government is dedicated to making governance future-ready.

According to Dr. Mehta, technology will rule the future. He implied that both individuals and institutional structures that are out of step with the rapid advancement of technology need to be prepared to submit to those in positions of authority. Each one of them was made aware of the new procedures and trends that were emerging in the area of their expertise by him.

To prevent falling into the group of tech have-nots as a result of future developments, he urged them to improve their ability to keep up with the changes. In order to further strengthen its position as a leader in offering IT-based solutions to ease the majority of its population’s sufferings, he reaffirmed that J&K had advanced quickly and had come of age.

The Chief Secretary spoke about the digitization of revenue records and other initiatives like the auto-appeal system, e-office, e-tendering, BEAMS, and Janbhagadari that have truly helped in making the administration here the most responsive, vibrant, transparent, and accountable in addition to mentioning the skyrocketing number of online services offered by different government departments to 675.

He expressed his gratitude to Anurag Goel for educating the officials about the upcoming issues the government would face by sharing his views and experience with them at the time. In view of the state’s advantages and strengths, he requested his assistance in guiding J&K ahead.

Anurag Goel, the workshop resource person, presented a short overview of the workshop’s structure and procedures and praised the Jammu and Kashmir government for setting notable milestones over the last several years.

Goel shed light on a variety of technological and scientific developments that have taken place all around the globe. Everyone was urged by him to look forward and make plans for it. He emphasised the need of using AI and machine learning to solve the majority of the issues we face today. In the years to come, technology, he said, will transform everything beyond our wildest dreams, whether it be business, education, entertainment, or the government.

He educated the officials about the upcoming issues the government would encounter by imparting his knowledge and experience to them. In light of its advantages and weaknesses, he urged people to use their imagination to assist J&K in changing via Future Ready Governance.

Building institutional capacity should be the administration’s main priority, said PD&MD Administrative Secretary Dr. Raghav Langer in his comments. He said that SDG Plus will expand the scope of SDG implementation while maintaining the status quo and would result in a quantum leap in performance to the next orbit.



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