In North Kashmir, a leopard killed four goats
In North Kashmir, a leopard killed four goats

On Sunday morning, a leopard was seen in various villages of Central Kashmir’s Budgam, which caused panic among the residents. Local sources said that a leopard was seen near the “Alamdar Brick Kiln,” and the same animal was also spotted freely roaming in the Sharatpora and Bonhuma areas of Budgam. Those who saw the big cat near the brick kiln raised an alarm and informed the wildlife department. “We saw a big cat early this morning near the brick kiln. The same leopard was seen in the outskirts of Sharatpora village. We are very scared because leopard sightings have become a regular occurrence in the area. We have lost many cattle, and even human beings have been killed in leopard attacks,” said some locals. The villagers appealed to the Wildlife Department to send a team to capture the leopard before it could harm anyone. [KNT]



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