Maintain a Darbar in both Srinagar and Jammu: JKNPP
Maintain a Darbar in both Srinagar and Jammu: JKNPP

Bhim Singh, leader of the Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP), stated on Friday that the Darbar (civil secretariat) should alternate between Srinagar and Jammu on a permanent basis.

According to a statement released by the JKNPP, they support having a Darbar in both Srinagar and Jammu.


Singh hailed the decision to split the civil secretariat’s operations between Srinagar and Jammu, saying it will benefit the people of both provinces.

He said that in 1872, Maharaja Ranbir Singh implemented this arrangement so that citizens in both provinces might profit from the Dogra Maharajas’ administration.

According to Singh, the JKNPP had written to the President of India in 2008 requesting the establishment of government secretariats in both Srinagar and Jammu.

Getting back and forth from Kashmir to Jammu for six months is impossible, he claimed, even for J&K residents.

To guarantee that both the people and the workers of Jammu and Srinagar are never inconvenienced, Singh said that the JKNPP has been lobbying for the civil secretariat to operate in both cities permanently.

Besides causing human issues for the families of secretariat personnel, he added, the state exchequer has to pay roughly Rs 8 crore every year to relocate the secretariat twice.

Singh said that the state’s coffers and political parties should not be negatively impacted by the decision to establish a dual secretariat.

It was his opinion that the Chief Minister, Governor, or Lt. Governor, depending on the nature of the duties assigned to them, should be able to choose between Srinagar and Jammu as their residence.



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