Residents want Qaziabad to have its own education zone
Residents want Qaziabad to have its own education zone

Srinagar, May 23: Through her poems, Asma S Zaroo, a young poetess in the tranquil city of Srinagar, draws readers into emotions and contemplation.

Zaroo is a poetess by passion and an educator by vocation. Her path towards poetry started with a strong admiration for nature’s symphony and the tremendous beauty that surrounds it. When asked how she became interested in poetry, Asma recalls her fascination with the sounds of rains falling to the ground, the musical chirping of birds, and the kaleidoscope of colours that decorate the world in numerous shapes.


“Everything has a pun, a rhythm,” she explains, “just like the breathtaking sunsets and sunrises we witness in the universe.”

As her intrinsic connection with the universe became deeper with each passing day, this realisation gradually awoke the poetess inside her.

Asma’s literary path has been one of introspection and ongoing development. She immerses herself in the written word, both as a writer and a voracious reader, in order to delve into the depths of authenticity in her poems. Her drive to self-improvement and self-examination shines through in the profundity of her lyrics.

She is really dedicated to her work. She spends a lot of time reading and reflecting when she finishes her poetry. She strives for genuineness in her lyrical utterances while immersed in self-examination.

However, Asma, like many aspiring poets, has had her fair share of difficulties. She bemoans the fact that many writing sites charge a fee to publish one’s work, and even contests often charge a fee. She thinks that financial barriers should not be used to stifle creativity and that real genius should be recognised regardless of financial means.

Undaunted by these obstacles, Asma took things into her own hands and self-published her first book as an e-book for free, a monument to her perseverance and faith in her art.

Asma’s book, ‘From My Pillow,’ is a treasure mine of lyrical sentiments that encompass and explores into all areas of life. Her writings are infused with themes of self-realization, hope, happiness, and optimism. Asma’s poetry serve as a gentle reminder to face life’s obstacles with grace and fortitude.

In the face of misfortune, Asma’s words exude courage and unflinching faith. Every poem of hers takes the reader on an introspective trip, encouraging them to appreciate life’s marvels. Each line is meticulously constructed, capturing emotions in a manner that truly connects with the readers.

When it comes to literary genres, Asma finds refuge and inspiration in Elizabethan-era classical English poetry. She is particularly fond of sonnets, odes, and ballads, and her favourite writers include Shakespeare, John Donne, and Shelley. Their timeless rhymes have left an everlasting influence on her own poetry style, affecting her word choice and the pace of her lines.

Asma’s goals go beyond personal happiness; she wants to make a contribution to the huge field of English literature. She want to pay honour to the language that has enriched her life via her poems, creating a lasting legacy for future generations. Aside from her literary undertakings, she studies culture, listens intently to nature’s songs, and shares her knowledge and love as an instructor with young minds.

Asma aspires to see a real respect for actual talent and an end to plagiarism in a society increasingly driven by technology and automation. She is certain that in an age dominated by auto-correct and digital conveniences, writers should not be taken for granted. Instead, she fights for the recognition of true innovation and the preservation of the fundamental worth of the written word.

While poetry is still at the centre of Asma’s creative endeavours, she finds inspiration outside of the written word. She listens carefully to nature’s music, seeking peace in its gentle murmurs.

Her commitment to study allows her to investigate diverse cultural viewpoints and broaden her awareness of the world. These varied experiences provide excellent inspiration for her poetry, giving levels of complexity to her compositions.



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