NASA: Earth is in danger from two large asteroids travelling at 30,000 kph.
NASA: Earth is in danger from two large asteroids travelling at 30,000 kph.

According to HT Tech, NASA telescopes have spotted two 120-foot asteroids that are rapidly approaching Earth.

According to the article, two such asteroids, designated 2023JK and 2023 JD4, are heading towards Earth. Both are around 120 feet in size and are flying at speeds of 33,420 and 37,141 miles per hour, respectively.


At its closest approach to Earth, asteroid 2023JK will be around a million miles from our planet. The other asteroid, 2023 JD4, will go around two million miles farther and pass from behind the Earth.

The Centre for Near-Earth Objects (NEO) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory keeps track of objects that may pass dangerously near to Earth.

According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), “potentially hazardous objects” are space boulders bigger than 150 metres that are within 4.6 million miles of Earth. This was reported by HT Tech.

Asteroids are extrasolar planets that formed early in the solar system’s history. The asteroid belt, a collection of rocks lying between Mars and Jupiter, is where you’ll most often come across them.

Asteroids may also be discovered outside of the asteroid belt and, when travelling at high speeds, can approach Earth dangerously near. Asteroids pose a significant threat if they ever make impact with Earth.



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