The NIA conducted a raid on the residence of the deceased militant
The NIA conducted a raid on the residence of the deceased militant

The NIA is now investigating the cadres and employees whose homes and workplaces were searched.

New Delhi, June 26: As part of its ongoing probe into the plot by newly formed offshoots of banned Pakistan-backed terrorist organisations to disrupt J&K, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a series of raids across four districts of Kashmir on Monday. The agency stated in a statement that twelve places were searched throughout the four districts of Kulgam, Bandipora, Shopian, and Pulwama. The targets were the homes of members of terrorist groups that had merged with others, as well as Overground Workers who had ties to these groups. In addition to targeting known members and leaders of these groups, the raids also targeted the homes of suspected supporters.
According to the report, the NIA has found many digital devices with huge amounts of potentially damaging material. The NIA has been looking into the terrorist plot since filing a suo moto case (RC-05/2022/NIA/JMU) on June 21, 2022; these documents will be thoroughly examined as part of that investigation.
In a statement, the NIA claimed it was investigating groups including The Resistance Front (TRF), the United Liberation Front of Jammu and Kashmir (ULFJ&K), the Mujahideen Gazwat-ul-Hind (MGH), the Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Fighters (JKFF), the Kashmir Tigers (KT), and the Pakistani Afghan Alliance (PAAF). The government of India has banned these groups because of their ties to Pakistan-backed terrorist organisations, including Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM), Al-Badr, Al-Qaeda, etc.
The NIA is investigating the aforementioned cadres and employees for their links to the distribution of sticky bombs and magnetic explosives, IEDs, finances, narcotic drugs, and arms and ammunition, as well as the gathering and storage of these items. According to the NIA’s findings, they have been propagating “terror, violence, and subversion” in J&K.
According to the findings of the investigation, agents stationed in Pakistan were spreading terror propaganda on social media. They were using drones to supply their agents and cadres in the Kashmir valley with weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, etc.
The alleged terror plot involves the planning and execution of violent terrorist acts in J&K using sticky bombs, IEDs, small guns, etc. by the banned organisations in both physical and cyberspace. These groups, with the help of their Pakistani handlers, have been radicalising young people in J&K and organising underground workers in an effort to disrupt peace and communal harmony in the region.



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