Panzath's centuries-old spring cleaning event encourages environmental protection and brings communities together
Panzath's centuries-old spring cleaning event encourages environmental protection and brings communities together

Panzath, May 28: A centuries-old water body cleaning event in Panzath, South Kashmir, drew locals from six villages in a dramatic demonstration of community togetherness and unshakable devotion to environmental protection.

With the coming of May, people of all ages, including men, women, and children, banded together to clean the Panzath Nag spring of garbage, weeds, and silt, insuring a year-round flow of water. This crucial spring not only supports the local economy by supplying irrigation to downstream settlements, but it also serves as a drinking water source for around 25 neighbouring communities.


Panzath Nag, the spring’s name, is steeped in history, originating from the words “paanch hath,” indicating the presence of more than 500 natural springs in the area during ancient times.

Ghulam Nabi, a peasant in his 90s, said he had never missed this celebration. “In my 90 years, I have never missed this festival.” Despite the fact that I can no longer physically engage in the water cleaning owing to my worsening health, I make it a point to attend and keep our villagers’ spirit alive.”

Deva, who ceremoniously launched this year’s festival, said that the effort represents generations’ great dedication to the occasion.

The celebration, which takes place during the second week of May, coincides with a big fish catch, adding to the festive mood. Throughout the festivities, the villagers are acutely aware of the delicate balance that must be struck between their festivities and the preservation of their environment.

The Panzath water body cleanup festival exemplifies the collaborative efforts required to protect the environment and promote sustainability. These communities demonstrate the potential of togetherness in advocating environmental protection by fostering ancestral traditions and a feeling of duty towards nature.

“This festival brings us together as a community, reminding us of our shared responsibility to protect our water sources and preserve the environment for future generations,” said local attendee Amina Bano. It’s a moment when we reconnect with nature and renew our commitment to environmentally friendly practises.”

Another villager, Bilal Ahmad, emphasised the festival’s importance, saying, “Cleaning the spring is about reviving our heritage and demonstrating our respect for nature.” Our forefathers handed down this legacy to us, and it is our responsibility to continue it on and pass it on to our offspring.”

The Panzath water body cleansing event is a beautiful example of human communities coexisting peacefully with their natural environment. It is a compelling reminder that by keeping their age-old rituals and embracing their responsibility as environmental stewards, these communities may encourage others to join them on the road to a more sustainable future.



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