Part-time sweepers hired without following the correct process are disengaged by the J&K Health department
Part-time sweepers hired without following the correct process are disengaged by the J&K Health department

Boniyar, a village in the Baramulla region in north Kashmir, has requested that a paediatrician be assigned to the village’s Primary Health Centre.

In the lack of a paediatrician at the PHC Boniyar, people claim they must go to either Baramulla or Srinagar to get expert care for their children.


Bela Salamabad resident Muhammad Ishfaq brought attention to the problem by noting that the vast bulk of the Boniyar tehsil is situated in more elevated locations. According to him, parents in need of medical care for their children have no choice but to go to Baramulla or Srinagar, causing them great hardship.

“The maximum population of Boniyar tehsil is located over hilly terrain where health facilities are minimum,” he added. “The Primary Health Centre Boniyar, if provided with a paediatrician, will be of great help to the people of the area.”

Children here, like in other regions of Jammu and Kashmir, are reportedly prone to seasonal illnesses such as the common cold, the flu, and other viral and bacterial diseases. However, without a paediatrician, parents are forced to use their limited finances to rush their children to more advanced medical facilities in places like GMC Baramulla or Srinagar.

They pleaded with higher-ups to provide PHC Boniyar with a paediatrician, which is much required there.

Ashiq Hussain, of Trikanjan Boniyar, urged the government to hire a paediatrician for the PHC to help the people there. “The authorities should consider the difficult living conditions of the people of the area and take appropriate measures,” he added.



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