Relationships between India and Australia were bolstered by PM Modi's visit, according to PM Albanese.
Relationships between India and Australia were bolstered by PM Modi's visit, according to PM Albanese.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated on Wednesday, May 24 that the connection between the two nations had been improved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Australia.

To paraphrase Australian Prime Minister Albanese’s official statement: “Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Australia has strengthened the close and strong relationship that Australia enjoys with India.”


This is a connection worth putting effort into. Trade, investment, and commercial opportunities in addition to regional security and stability would all benefit from our close ties with India, he said.

On Monday, PM Modi began his three-nation tour with his arrival in Sydney.

The importance both nations take on strengthening relations was further shown by Albanese’s claim that he met with PM Modi six times.

He also called for more ties between India and Australia, saying the latter is a better country for having Indian immigrants.

Earlier today, a Ceremonial Guard of Honour was held for Prime Minister Modi at Sydney, Australia’s Admiralty House.

Modi also added his signature to the visitors’ register at Sydney’s Admiralty House.

After this, Modi met with Albese one-on-one to discuss a wide range of topics. The press conference and signing of the MoUs took place later that day in Sydney’s Admiralty House.

According to the statement, the two leaders are pleased with the agreement reached today on the Terms of Reference for an Australia-India Green Hydrogen Taskforce.

Parramatta will be home to the new Centre for Australia-India Relations, as revealed by Prime Minister Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong. This month marked the start of operations for the Centre, which will promote greater interaction with India via economic, political, and cultural endeavours and outreach to the Indian diaspora. Chairman Swati Dave and Chief Executive Officer Tim Thomas will head the Centre, according to the announcement.

The Australian and Indian governments are cooperating more closely to increase renewable energy in both nations, as Albanese tweeted.

He went on to say that they would boost the number of bright young people from both nations who take advantage of the opportunities presented by studying and working in the other.

Our two nations have such a deep connection already, and our Indian-Australian community has done so much,” PM Albanese wrote on Twitter.

Moreover, he said, “Today, with Prime Minister @narendramodi, we are strengthening the ties between India and Australia.”



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