Poonch's civilian fatalities serve as a somber reminder of the
Poonch's civilian fatalities serve as a somber reminder of the "challenges we still face." Sajad Lone

A news statement said that on June 26, the President of the Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference (JKPC), Sajad Gani Lone, visited several places within the Handwara constituency to offer his condolences and stand in solidarity with the relatives of the deceased.

During these trying times, the objective of the visit was to give support, compassion, and reassurance to the individual.


Lone went to the regions of Zachaldara and Turak Pora in order to express his deepest sympathies to the mourning families. He met with them in each of these locations. In acknowledgement of the tremendous loss they have suffered, he offered words of consolation, expressed his sympathy with them, and assured them of the steadfast support of the party. During these difficult times, Lone expressed his profound sympathy for the loss suffered by the families and emphasised the need of community cohesion and solidarity among its members. He gave them the assurance that the party will continue to do all in its power to address their issues and make a positive contribution to the healing process for them.



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