Security personnel are praised for an incident-free G20 meeting
Security personnel are praised for an incident-free G20 meeting

Srinagar: The senior security brass lauded the security and intelligence services on Thursday for ensuring the smooth and trouble-free operation of the G20 summit in Srinagar, where delegates from G20 countries engaged in an engaging programme with government officials and stakeholders.

Top J&K Police officials, including the Director General of Police (DGP) and the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Kashmir, complimented the security forces for successfully hosting the big international event.


DGP Dilbag Singh complimented the Police and other security agencies for the G20 summit’s calm ending as attendees boarded planes home at the end of the three-day event.

Singh congratulated and applauded all ranks of the police, CAPFs, and other groups involved in the G20 task force for the tremendous work they had done over the previous three days to ensuring a successful and safe G20 event in Kashmir.

ADGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar commended the security forces and intelligence services for a smooth and incident-free G20 conference.

“ADGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar congratulates officers and soldiers of J&K Police, CRPF, Army, BSF, SSB, NSG, MARCOS, NDRF, and intelligence agencies for conducting an incident-free and successful G20 summit,” J&K Police tweeted.

According to a J&K Police official, the G20 delegates are leaving behind all wonderful memories that the people of J&K will treasure for a long time.

“This event has opened up new vistas and hopes, debunking many myths and false anti-Kashmir and anti-peace narratives based on lies and propaganda by our neighbouring country,” he added.

According to the J&K Police spokesperson, the people of Kashmir deserve particular praise for seeing through Pakistan’s bogus narratives and enthusiastically welcome and participating in the event.

He said that the delegates not only admired Kashmir’s beauty, but also praised the local people and their friendliness.

According to a J&K Police official, the security plans for the event were minimal, ensuring regular life and business for the people.

“Traffic flowed freely throughout, and all business activity continued uninterrupted by security concerns.” People cooperated completely with the police and security forces, as well as traffic and security laws, for which the DGP expressed gratitude,” he added.

According to a J&K Police spokesman, the G20 event became a people’s event that showcased local art, craft, and hospitality traditions to the world’s guests who visited famous tourist attractions such as Nishat Bagh and Pari Mahal, took Shikara rides on the waters of Dal Lake, and went shopping in Polo View Market.

“The arrangements made by the police and other security forces were people-friendly,” he said.

In the run-up to the event, the J&K government had gone into overdrive to maintain security and finish the work done to give the city a makeover.

The three days proceeded calmly as people went about their daily lives during the summit.

The delegates praised the federal administration and the J&K government and characterised Kashmir as a lovely region.

The third Tourism Working Group conference in Srinagar was one of the most important events since the repeal of Article 370, with representatives and private travel operators from G20 countries in attendance.

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha addressed the gathering during the opening session, speaking about tourism and investment coming to J&K, as well as strengthening grassroots democracy in the face of cross-border terrorism.



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