Shopian Journalists Form Media Association to Improve News CoverageShopian Journalists Form Media Association to Improve News Coverage
Shopian Journalists Form Media Association to Improve News CoverageShopian Journalists Form Media Association to Improve News Coverage

Shopian June 19: We are excited to establish the Making Media organisation as “Media Fraternity Shopian” today.

A diverse Young Journalist community inspiring artists and changing media.


The Media Association seeks to transform media production, distribution, and consumption in the digital era via collaboration, innovation, equality, and transparency.

The media association has 11 members, including the president, vice president, Treasurer, and spokesman. Key members:

1.Association president Shariq Peerzada.
Junaid Gulzar, association vice president.
Association treasurer Bhat Farooq.

  1. Association spokesperson Aaqib Naik.
    Association spokesperson Aaqib Naik.

Shariq Peerzada, Junaid Gulzar, and Bhat Farooq head the association. The association’s spokesman is Aaqib Naik.

Members include:

Meer Irfan

Razwan Hamid

Akif Rashid

Fazil Tantary

Mir Aasif,

Towfeeq Naik,

Basit Lone,

Media Fraternity Shopian, a new media organisation encouraging journalistic quality and collaboration, welcomes media workers from around the area.

A body was also created to monitor electoral activities.



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