Tariq Ahmad Hakeem a contractual Ambulance Driver who saves a life of 01 year old child
Tariq Ahmad Hakeem a contractual Ambulance Driver who saves a life of 01 year old child

Meet Tariq Ahmad Hakeem a Contractual Ambulance Driver who saves a life of 1 year old child by covered distance of 90 kilometers in just 36 minutes

Tariq Ahmad Hakeem son of Ghulam Nabi Resident of Dialgam Anantnag along with his Medical technician Bhat Fasil Nazeer Son of Nazeer Ahmad Resident of Bhan Kulgam picked up a 1 year old child with serious injuries from Public Health Centre Qammer Medical Block Verinag before couple of days ago , in the First attempt Tariq covered a distance of 38 KM’s in just 14 Minutes and reached Govt Medical Collage Anantnag , where from the doctors shifted the child to GB Pant Srinagar due to critical condition and in the second attempt Tariq Ahmad Reached GB Panth in Just 22 minutes from Govt Medical Collage Anantnag despite having huge traffic . Tariq is working as a contractual driver in 108 Ambulance and is posted at Medical Block Verinag. Talking to JK Live Tariq Said that when we recieve the child the condition of the patient was very critical and without scarce of our life we run the Ambulance fast as i can and Alhamdulillah we get sucessfull to reach the Hospital on time and saved a life by the help of Almighty. Notable that Tariq Ahmad is working as a contractual Driver and is putting their life on risk every time to save a human life.



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