Apni Party conducts a public gathering in Anantnag | Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections must be held immediately: Altaf Bukhari's
Apni Party conducts a public gathering in Anantnag | Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections must be held immediately: Altaf Bukhari's

Srinagar, 11 June: Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, President of the Apni Party, said on Sunday that Jammu and Kashmir is destined to stay a part of India, and that New Delhi has the resources and ability to address the difficulties and challenges that J&K is experiencing, particularly after August 5, 2019.

According to a news release, Bukhari made these remarks while speaking at a big party gathering in Reshnagri, Shopian district, south Kashmir.


Other party officials who spoke at the meeting besides Bukhari were the party’s senior vice president, Ghulam Hassan Mir, vice president, Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, party chief coordinator, Abdul Majeed Padder, and others.

Bukhari vowed that the Apni Party will provide excellent answers to the problems that J&K farmers and orchardists face.

“Given my personal experience in farming and orchard cultivation, I understand your problems better than anyone else,” he remarked. I am also aware that this region’s fruit farmers face a dearth of suitable cold storage facilities.”

“The previous governments allotted and allowed the establishment of Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage to benefit certain individuals with political connections,” he stated, demanding an investigation into the grounds for the breach of regulations surrounding the supply of cold storage facilities in Shopian. And now, these CA storage owners are taking advantage of weak producers by imposing unreasonable terms on them. Apni party requests an investigation into the criteria used for these allocations and why disadvantaged orchardists are being treated unfairly. Since these CA storages have been constructed under government supervision and with the support of Union Government subsidised programmes, it is critical to detect those who are breaching the conditions for the impartial facility to the farmers.”

“These CA storages have become beneficial only to the privileged people, while poor farmers suffer,” he continued.

Bukhari went on to say, “I give you my assurance that we will bring about a positive transformation in our agriculture and horticulture sectors, aligning them with the necessary requirements and demands, and elevating their standards.”

“Once elected, our party will formally recognise horticulture as an industry.” In addition, we will build ‘Apple Villages’ in Shopian and other appropriate sites to capture and develop the inherent potential in the horticultural industry,” he said.

Bukhari warned people not to be swayed by emotive rhetoric or impossible ambitions used by established political parties and their leaders purely for political gain.

“We have tragically lost thousands of our children to jails or graveyards so far,” he remarked. We cannot bear the weight of further deaths and damage on our land because the future of our children and future generations is at risk. As a result, we must be ruthlessly honest with ourselves, stop chasing impossible ambitions, and stop being persuaded by emotive phrases.”

While expressing this, he said that the Apni Party would guarantee that answers to J&K’s issues come from New Delhi, since the party that created the problems also has the key to viable remedies.



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