What took place on August 5 was illegal: To Mehboob Beg
What took place on August 5 was illegal: To Mehboob Beg

Srinagar, June 17: Dr. Mehboob Beg, a senior leader in the PDP and the party’s general secretary for organisation, said today that the government needs to solve the most important public problems first.

He was speaking at a news meeting, where he was joined by other spokespeople MohitBhan and NajmuSaqib.


“Three important public issues will be the main focus of our press conference,” he said. “These are the scams in government hiring, especially in the Fire and Emergency Services Department, the cuts to subsidised food rations, and the terrible state of the electricity supply.”

The PDP said that scams kept happening in government-ordered employment drives and blamed the government and the BJP for it.

“Why do scams pop up every time the government of Jammu and Kashmir hires new people? “The youth had to protest again because those who were found guilty in previous recruitment scams weren’t held accountable or given the right punishment,” he said.

Beg said that because unemployment is a big problem in India as a whole, many states like Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh have policies in place to make sure that jobs made in these states are only filled by people who live there. “However, in J&K, the government is making work open to everyone. This is done when the jobless rate in J&K is one of the highest in the country, he said.

Beg said, in reference to the administration’s strategy of cutting power, “J&K has a lot of water resources that can be used to make enough electricity not only for the people of J&K but also for other states.” But, even though the Indian government said it would give hydroelectric projects back to the people of J&K, it hasn’t done so yet. People in J&K have to go without energy because the electricity made from the water supplies in J&K is sent to places other than J&K.



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