The JKCEGA would like to thank the leadership of LG
The JKCEGA would like to thank the leadership of LG

The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, ManojSinha, has been thanked by the J&K Civil Engineering Graduates Association (JKCEGA) for facilitating the speedy regularisation of incharge promotions on a substantive basis in the Jal Shakti Department.

The organisation released a statement here praising the ruling that regularised 137 Executive Engineers on Substantive basis.


“Jal Shakti Department has confirmed the services of 137 Exens, 29 S.E’s, and 06 Chief Engineers in the recent past, ever large regularisation in the history of the department,” it says.

The association has thanked the LG, his adviser, the Chief Secretary, and the Commissioner/Secretary, JSD for responding to the legitimate need of the engineers and moving quickly to regularise their status.

The group has urged the government to fill all available positions so that urgent initiatives of national significance may proceed without delay.

The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, ManojSinha, has been thanked by the J&K Civil Engineering Graduates Association (JKCEGA) for facilitating the speedy regularisation of incharge promotions on a substantive basis in the Jal Shakti Department.

The organisation released a statement here praising the ruling that regularised 137 Executive Engineers on Substantive basis.

“Jal Shakti Department has confirmed the services of 137 Exens, 29 S.E’s, and 06 Chief Engineers in the recent past, ever large regularisation in the history of the department,” it says.

The association has thanked the LG, his adviser, the Chief Secretary, and the Commissioner/Secretary, JSD for responding to the legitimate need of the engineers and moving quickly to regularise their status.

The group has urged the government to fill all available positions so that urgent initiatives of national significance may proceed without delay.



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