The need to encourage cultural interactions to attract more visitors: Ambassador of Korea
The need to encourage cultural interactions to attract more visitors: Ambassador of Korea

May 23rd, Srinagar: The Korean envoy to India, Chang Jaebok, made this statement on Tuesday, saying that both the Korean and Indian governments should work to attract more Korean tourists to Kashmir.
According to the Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the Korean Ambassador told reporters on the sidelines of the 3rd G20 Tourism Working Group Meeting that the two countries’ governments should encourage cultural interchange in order to entice film crews to shoot in the Valley.

Jaebok said that the Korean government fully backs India’s chairmanship of the G20 this year. It’s true that “every country has its own position on any issue,” but as far as Korea is concerned, “we are completely supporting India for its G20 presidency this year,” he stated.


He predicted that it would take some time for the number of Korean visitors to Kashmir to rise, but he emphasised the need of government support for cultural interchange between India and Korea.



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