The president, MC Handwara, survived a vote of no confidence
The president, MC Handwara, survived a vote of no confidence

On Thursday, a number of council members submitted a vote of no confidence in Handwara, the head of the Municipal Council.

It has been reported that seven councillors, all of whom are members of the Peoples Conference, have presented a no-confidence resolution in President Mansoor Bandey.


Even though a vote of no confidence was cast against him last year, he was able to win over the majority of the voting population.

Meanwhile, MC Handwara vice-chairman Bashir Ahmad confirmed the news, saying that he and six other council members had submitted the no-confidence resolution.

He claimed that they had followed protocol up to this point and would do so in the future.

You may remember that there are a total of 14 council members in MC Handwara.



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