Preparing students for the workforce of the future: VC CUK's NEP 2020
Preparing students for the workforce of the future: VC CUK's NEP 2020

Ganderbal, June 19: The School of Education (SoE), Central University of Kashmir (CUK), in conjunction with the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), J&K, kicked off a three-day long training course on Monday called “Be Aware Take Care” to teach thirty student volunteers in first aid.

Prof. Shahid Rasool, Dean of Academic Affairs, praised the IRCS for the remarkable job that it is performing all across the nation. In his comments, he emphasised the need of such projects as well as their significance, particularly in light of the fact that J&K is one of the regions that is most likely to be affected by natural disasters like as earthquakes and floods.


He expressed his desire, stating, “I wish to see the participation of more and more students as volunteers in such events and that possibility can be realised in a phased manner.”

The Dean of the School of Education, Professor Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani, made the observation that “Such programmes have meaningful, positive, and practical implications for dealing with emergencies.” He went on to say that “we need not get panicky in the face of exigencies provided that we have been properly trained in the first aid,” which means that people should not panic in the event of an emergency if they have received enough first aid training.

Imran Muzaffar, who serves as the Programme Manager for IRCS in Jammu and Kashmir, gave a presentation in which he discussed the history and operations of the Red Cross in different parts of the globe, focusing on the organization’s role in advancing the cause of humanity on a worldwide scale. He wanted the largest possible number of volunteers to become members of the IRCS so that they might possibly help in a variety of ways. Additionally present was Daniyal Rashid, who serves as the First Aid Facilitator for IRCS.

During his presentation of welcome, Senior Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammad Syed Bhat said that “holistic development of students is one of the concerns of NEP-2020” and that events like these “do have the potential in helping to realise the same.”



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