Prime Minister Narendra Modi was awarded Egypt's highest decoration, the Order of the Nile
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was awarded Egypt's highest decoration, the Order of the Nile

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, said on the 20th of June in New Delhi that India has a fundamental conviction in the principles of respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity, obeying the rule of law, and the peaceful settlement of disagreements and conflicts.

Ahead to his departure for a state visit to the United States, Modi gave an interview to the “Wall Street Journal,” in which he said that simultaneously, India is fully prepared and dedicated to safeguarding its sovereignty and dignity. This conversation took place before Modi’s departure for his state visit to the United States.


Every country should show respect for both international law and the sovereign rights of other nations. He emphasised that conflicts had to be settled by “diplomacy and dialogue,” not through the use of force.

“There are many who believe that we maintain a neutral stance. But we cannot be considered impartial. According to what was reported that he said, “We are on the side of peace.”

The Prime Minister of India said in the interview that the world has full trust that India’s highest priority is peace. “The world has full confidence that India’s topmost priority is peace,”

In reference to the member of the United Nations Security Council, Modi said that there must be a review of the existing membership of the council and that the world should be asked whether it wants India to remain there. He added that the evaluation must take place immediately.

The Prime Minister of India said that India would do everything it takes to put an end to the war and secure lasting peace and stability, and that India will back any efforts that are made in good faith to do so.

He emphasised the need of maintaining calm and peace in the border regions in order to maintain normal bilateral relations with China.

During the course of the interview, Narendra Modi said that he is the first Prime Minister of India to be born in a free India, “And that is why my thought process, my conduct, what I say and do, is inspired and influenced by my country’s attributes and traditions.” Modi said this in reference to the fact that he is the first Prime Minister of India to be born in a free India. I am able to draw my power from it.”

“I present my country to the world as it is, and myself, as I am,” he declared at one point. “I present myself, as I am.”

The Prime Minister of India said in the interview that there is an unparalleled level of confidence between the leaders of the United States and India with regard to the relationship between their two countries.

“India deserves a much higher, deeper, and wider profile and a role,” he added. “India deserves a much higher profile.”

“We do not see India as competing with any other country in any way.” According to what Prime Minister Narendra Modi was reported as saying in an interview, “We see this process as India gaining its rightful position in the world.”

The global community of today is more interdependent and interwoven than it has ever been. According to him, there should be a greater degree of diversity in supply chains in order to generate resilience.



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