Two firemen were hospitalised after a late-night fire engulfed Batmaloo; both are in stable condition
Two firemen were hospitalised after a late-night fire engulfed Batmaloo; both are in stable condition

Officials claimed two firemen were hospitalised in the intervening night of Sunday-Monday while dousing fires in the Moominabad district of Batamaloo.

They said that a fire broke out in the Mominabad Batmaloo neighbourhood on Sunday late at night, killing two firemen.


According to a Fire and Emergency Services official, two policemen, Noor Alam Jatla, sub-officer F&ES, and Altaf Ahmad Rather, leading fireman F&ES, suffocated and were sent to the hospital.

“Both of them experienced suffocation and breathing difficulties while extinguishing the flames and were subsequently shifted to the hospital late at night,” he added.

“We successfully controlled the fire, and as a precaution, we deployed a water pump and a firefighting vehicle to the scene,” he continued.

According to authorities, the firefighting effort lasted six hours throughout the day, and firemen from 19 stations and 20 trucks participated in the operation, since the structure was full of paint and other petroleum products.



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