What actions can you take to rescue someone with suicidal thoughts?
What actions can you take to rescue someone with suicidal thoughts?

Aaqib Parray

Suicidal ideation is a severe problem that needs help right now. In the event that you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek assistance from a crisis hotline, a mental health professional, or a loved one. There is hope and healing to be found, and you do not have to go through this alone.

I cannot stress enough the value of getting prompt assistance and backing. When someone is having suicidal thoughts, the situation is quite serious. In this reply, I would like to provide a detailed explanation of how to help yourself or a loved one who is contemplating suicide.


1. Reach out for immediate help:

It is critical to seek quick assistance if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide. Do not keep this to yourself; share your ideas. You may get instant help in a few different ways:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL): Call for urgent help. It is a hotline manned by experts who are available around the clock to listen and help you find what you need in your area.
  • Crisis Text Line: For emergency assistance, please text “HOME” to (CTL NUMBER, example, xxxxx). Professional crisis counselors are accessible at all hours.
  • Emergency Services: Call your local emergency number if you think someone’s life is in urgent danger.

Second, confide in a reliable person, such as a friend, family member, or trusted colleague. Confiding in a trusted friend or loved one may be a great source of emotional support and closeness. Do not be reluctant to request their help.

The third step is to get help from a trained practitioner in the field of mental health, such as a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist. They have received specific training to help those who are contemplating suicide. They can advise you on how to deal with your problems and assist you in identifying their origins.
You should think about temporarily removing or securing weapons, drugs, or other potentially harmful methods if you or someone you know has access to them. Restricting access to these tools may be an important preventative step.
Five: Make a safety plan. Consult a counselor or mental health professional. The procedures to follow if suicide ideation worsens may be included in this plan, as can coping mechanisms and emergency contacts.

Keep in touch with others, since being alone might make you feel even more depressed. Maintaining relationships with loved ones is important, so make an effort to do so, even if it is simply via phone calls or texts. Having a strong social support system may greatly reduce the risk of negative outcomes.
Stay away from booze and drugs; these may make sadness and impulsivity worse. Do not drink or use drugs if you want to keep your faculties intact for making sound choices.
Take care of your mental and emotional health by doing things for yourself. The same goes for things like meditation, deep breathing, a healthy diet, and frequent exercise.
9. Have compassion for yourself, and remember that rehabilitation is a journey with ups and downs along the way. Try to give yourself plenty of grace and kindness as you get through this challenging patch.
Tenth, maintain awareness of suicide risk factors and accessible mental health care options, both for yourself and your loved ones. Stigma may be mitigated, and early intervention is encouraged through education and knowledge.
The eleventh piece of advice for helping someone who is having suicidal thoughts is to urge them to get professional treatment. If they seem to require professional help, offer to get them a therapist or counselor.
Stay Alert: Even if a person is showing signs of improvement, it is always important to keep an eye on them and provide continued assistance. Because suicidal ideation might return, it is important to keep checking in and being there for the person.



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