Yoga is practised by about 200 students from schools in Baramulla
Yoga is practised by about 200 students from schools in Baramulla

On June 21st, Srinagar hosted a celebration of International Yoga Day in Watergam Baramulla, which featured demonstrations of the benefits of yoga and drew 200 eager participants from local schools.

The Global Strategic Policy Foundation (GSPFP) event was a rousing success, and its influence will be felt for a long time to come. Students from a variety of schools participated, and they all brought tremendous energy and commitment to their newfound interest in yoga. The tranquil setting of Watergam, in the heart of Kashmir’s beautiful scenery, was ideal for such an all-encompassing adventure.


Yoga teachers and GSPFP leaders both gave introductory remarks during the festival’s opening ceremony.

They spoke about how yoga helps people in many ways, including their physical health, their state of mind, and their relationships with others.

Firdous Baba, head of the GSPFP in Jammu and Kashmir, was the event’s chief guest. During his rousing message, Baba, a well-known advocate for social justice and harmony, emphasised the value of yoga as a path to personal development and harmony.

A compelling yoga session given by knowledgeable teachers displaying different asanas and breathing methods got things started. Students from many schools in the area participated, exhibiting their commitment and excitement to the practise and the goal of adopting a better lifestyle.

Watergam, Baramulla’s International Yoga Day ceremony drove home the point that yoga is for everyone. It connected people of many backgrounds in their search of health and harmony.



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