Hospitalised CRPF troops were involved in a traffic accident in Srinagar
Hospitalised CRPF troops were involved in a traffic accident in Srinagar

An infiltration attempt was thwarted and a terrorist was killed in the Balakote region of Mendhar, Poonch, when the Army was conducting operations in Rajouri.

The infiltration attempt happened on Friday night, sources said.


According to reports, vigilant Army personnel stationed along the Line of Control in the Mendhar region of Poonch saw a suspicious activity and effectively halted it.

According to authoritative accounts, a terrorist infiltration effort was thwarted, and one of the infiltrators was murdered.

The terrorist, whose name has not been revealed, was fired down in the Balakote front region on Saturday morning, and his corpse was found after further searches.

According to the sources, the terrorist had suspicious packages, maybe including drugs, confiscated from him.

They also said that two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were found and exploded nearby.

The region is still the focus of ongoing searches.

According to the police, all necessary medico-legal procedures were completed on the terrorist’s body at the Mendhar Civil Hospital.



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