Imams in Baramulla respond to a police order to give anti-drug sermons on Friday
Imams in Baramulla respond to a police order to give anti-drug sermons on Friday

Baramulla, Nov. 17: In a landmark step, Imams in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district followed the Jammu and Kashmir Police’s request to utilize their prominent Friday sermons as a platform to confront the rising problem of drug usage.

Hundreds of priests presented passionate sermons from Uri to Pattan, raising awareness about the dangers of addiction that have afflicted the region’s youth.


This coordinated campaign follows the Police Department’s months-long strategic drive to involve religious leaders in the battle against drug addiction.

The Imams, who are revered and listened to by their communities, have become vital partners in the fight against the drug problem.

During their Friday sermons, religious leaders emphasized that addiction is the fundamental cause of many sins that afflict both men and women.

They recommended that parents protect their children against drug misuse by counseling them and spending meaningful time with them.

The clergy emphasized the severe implications of drug addiction and urged both older and younger generations to increase awareness and abolish this social scourge.

In their sermons, religious leaders praised the police for their aggressive approach and emphasized the significance of community engagement in eliminating drug usage.

The ongoing campaign, led by Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Baramulla, Amod Ashok Nagpure, aims to use the influence of religious leaders to disseminate information about the harmful effects of drug abuse and foster a collaborative effort to rid the district of this social scourge.

The Imams, who represented various groups, reaffirmed their unflinching support for the police goal to make the Baramulla neighborhood fully drug-free.

Over the last several months, there has been a considerable decrease in the number of charges lodged against drug peddlers, demonstrating a beneficial effect on the Baramulla Police Department’s anti-drug program.

The police’s multidimensional strategy in Baramulla centers on interrupting the supply chain, which they actively play, while also tackling the demand for narcotics by involving the community.

According to a police officer, the Friday sermons, with their large audience reach, are crucial in establishing a drug-free future for Baramulla.

Because people “listen to them and respect them,” the police in Baramulla enlisted Imams to speak out against the drug epidemic.



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