NC organizes a protest march in opposition to Poonch civilian deaths
NC organizes a protest march in opposition to Poonch civilian deaths

December 23, Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference protested peacefully on Saturday over the deaths of civilians in Bafliaz Poonch and called for a prompt judicial investigation into the event.

In a statement to KNS, the party’s general secretary, Ali Muhammad Sagar, took the lead in the protest. Prominent figures attending the demonstration included Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani Sogami, Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, Political Advisor to Vice President Mudassar Shahmiri, Senior Leader Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi, State Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar, President Ali Muhammad Dar of the Central Zone, Vice President of Kashmir Ahsan Pardesi, Provincial President YNC Salman Ali Sagar, Women’s Wing Sabiya Qadri, Provincial Secretary Showkat Ahmad Mir, In Charge Social Media Ifra Jan, and other representatives from the media, social media, YNC, and Women’s Wing were also present.


The police blocked access to the party headquarters by closing both of the major gates, preventing the demonstrators seeking justice for the victims from leaving the property.

The bureaucrats urged a full judicial investigation into the event and denounced the suspected army deaths of three civilians.

A resolution denouncing the Poonch incident that resulted in the deaths of five Jawans and the injuries of two more was earlier unanimously approved by party officials. The massacre of three people in Poonch after the incident was also denounced in a resolution.

“We demand justice for the families of civilians who were killed in the aftermath of the Poonch attack,” Sagar said during his interaction with the media on the occasion. Murderers of law-abiding citizens need to be apprehended and revealed. Therefore, it is required of the authorities to set up a judicial committee right away that would conduct a fair and impartial investigation.



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