Should J&K be voted into government, they will thrive. Azad in R. S. Pura
Should J&K be voted into government, they will thrive. Azad in R. S. Pura

Jammu, December 23 (KNS): Ghulam Nabi Azad, the chairman of the DPAP and a former chief minister, promised on Saturday to bring back the original Roshni Scheme, as well as to safeguard jobs and land, for the greater good of the people when he takes office in Jammu and Kashmir.
Azad predicted that all of the anti-people policies would be repealed, which would impede the UT population’s progress. Since the Roshni Scheme was primarily helping people, getting it back is my top goal. The abrupt elimination of the program has hurt people’s ability to succeed financially. During his public rally in R.S. Pura, he informed a large crowd that it was helping thousands of people and had become their source of income, in addition to protecting jobs and land. In order to improve the socioeconomic standing of UT, Azad said that he has created a vision for the people of J&K, which would be put into action once the DPAP assumes power.
He said that the bombardment by the neighboring country has caused significant suffering for the inhabitants of R.S. Pura and other areas bordering the LoC, or international boundary with Pakistan. “The government has to give these communities more attention in order to make up for the losses they have been suffering as a result of border uncertainty. I can sympathize with their anguish and promise that initiatives specifically designed to help these communities will be developed in order to improve their socioeconomic standing,” he said.
Azad denounced religion-based politics and said that he would never support policies that sow social unrest and cause strife among religious groups. He promised to pay close attention to the widespread drug addiction among UT kids. Drug abuse diverts our kids, and a sizable portion of the population is impacted by this threat. We cannot afford to ignore the issue, and whenever my party is elected to power, I will take steps to solve it,” he said. As the people of Jammu and Kashmir have primary rights over its utilization for their own advantage, Azad emphasized that safeguarding employment and land is his first concern. He acknowledged the secular ideals held by the people of the Jammu area and said that unity among people, regardless of caste, religion, or color, is the best way to achieve peace and prosperity.
According to Azad, people who reside close to the LoC or IB would get land parcels of five marlas, and refugees would receive sufficient compensation as a one-time settlement to help them start over. He said that, should his party win elections, this would be one of their top priorities and that they would see to it.
Among others who were present in the rally are Vice Chairman G.M. Saroori, Gen Secretary R.S. Chib, Gen Secretaries A.S. Micky, Vinod Mishra, Anita Thakur, Ch Haroon Khatana, Ab Majeed Wani, Ch Gharu Ram Zonal President, Salman Nizami Chief Spokesperson, Hira Lal Abrol Secretary, P.R. Manhas Zonal President, Ashok Sharma VP Province, Masood Choudhary Secretary, Sobat Ali Choudhary GS, Balbir Singh Distt President, Omprakash Bhall, Dr Tariq Azad, Adv Maheshwar Singh, Col Som Nath, Er Rattan Lal, Zahid Sarfaraz Malik, Gurmeet Kaur, Sunita Arora, Vishal Chopra, Gourav Chopra, Ashwani Handa, Ashutosh Raina, Anoop Khajuria & others. (KNS



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