The Director of Horticulture is present at the Dooru Shahabad, Anantnag, Awareness Camp
The Director of Horticulture is present at the Dooru Shahabad, Anantnag, Awareness Camp

23 December (KNS): Anantnag On Saturday, G. R. Mir, Director of Horticulture Kashmir, was present at a major awareness camp at Dooru Shahabad, Anantnag, with the objective of strengthening the horticultural community and stakeholders in the area.
Several officials actively participated in the event, including the Joint Director of Horticulture, the former Chairman of the Municipal Committee, and DDC members.
A significant number of orchardists as well as officers and officials from the Department and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) attended the camp.
The department’s objectives and existing activities were emphasized by Director Horticulture in his speech. He stressed how vital horticulture is to driving the region’s overall growth.
Educating participants on the Union Territory and federally supported programs—which included the High-Density Plantation Scheme, MIDH (Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture), and HADP (Holistic Agriculture Development Programme)—was the main objective of the workshop.
Experts from the department led technical advice sessions that were crucial in providing participants with important technical knowledge.
In order to promote a cooperative atmosphere for the mutual benefit of the horticultural community, the event provided a forum for stakeholders to interact directly with the department. KNS



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