The government plans to make J&K more resilient to disasters
The government plans to make J&K more resilient to disasters

Srinagar, Nov. 27: Realizing a glaring gap between policy and practice, the Jammu and Kashmir administration is outlining a plan to make the territory disaster-resilient.

Official papers state that the government wants to strengthen stakeholder capacity in order to provide a planned and coordinated response to catastrophes, minimizing loss of life, livelihoods, and financial hardships.


The materials highlight an important change in emphasis from a catastrophe response and relief-focused strategy to a more all-encompassing one that includes risk mitigation.
With the goal of enhancing disaster risk management and climate change adaptation capacities, the Department of Disaster Management of Relief, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction is poised to lead this change.
Nonetheless, the official records show a continuous divide between the creation and application of policies, indicating the absence of a cohesive multisectoral strategy for disaster management.

The agency recognizes that there has historically been a focus on relief activities rather than risk avoidance, which calls for a realignment of priorities.
The department’s SWOT analysis reveals both its advantages and disadvantages.

Although a strong institutional architecture and legislative framework provide a stable base, the papers highlight the need for more effective resource distribution across various programs.
The research recognizes the department’s wealth of expertise and best practices, but it also draws attention to the risks associated with investing too much in short-term initiatives at the expense of long-term catastrophe risk reduction.
Notwithstanding obstacles, the government finds potential in already-existing institutions that support capacity-building, a network of civil society organizations actively involved in vulnerable areas, and national flagship programs.

One possible pillar for initiatives to increase capacity is the rise of community organizations.
The materials highlight the need for immediate action by expressing worry about persistent patterns of dangerous development outperforming risk reduction attempts.

The government’s resolve to tackle these issues is a critical step in making Jammu and Kashmir more resilient to disasters.

In order to safeguard public safety, the department is considering developing partnerships to strengthen its capacity for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. It is also coordinating response and recovery efforts.

According to the paper, “the objective is to identify various hazards to which J&K is vulnerable and assess various vulnerabilities, capacities, and risks associated with J&K.”
In addition to readiness measures for all stakeholders, the department plans to establish policies and procedures for prevention and mitigation.

According to its mission statement, “to promote community-based disaster management and build the capacity of all stakeholders in J&K to cope with the disasters.”
The government has created a road map to close the gaps, which includes impact assessments, vulnerability assessments, and hazard mapping for a variety of industries and geographically disparate areas.

It states, “The department will coordinate with all the districts in preparation of District Disaster Management Plans and facilitate government departments in preparation of their departmental disaster management plans.”



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