A constitutional values awareness campaign is organized by DLSA GBL.
A constitutional values awareness campaign is organized by DLSA GBL.

November 18, Jammu: On Saturday, the J&K Judicial Academy conducted a special training session on the topics of “duties of process servers, service of processes, and different modes of service.”
In a statement released here, an official spokeswoman stated that a one-day special training program on “Duties of the Process Servers, Service of Processes, and Different Modes of Service” was held under the auspices of Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (Patron-in-Chief, J&K Judicial Academy), N Kotiswar Singh, and under the direction of Justice Sanjeev Kumar, Justice Javed Iqbal Wani, Justice Rahul Bharti, and Justice Moksha Kazmi, members of the Governing Committee for J&K Judicial Academy. This included filing reports, serving via email, comprehending pertinent provisions of the CPC and CrPC that apply to the duties of process servers in district courts, maintaining records of processes and services, and identifying difficult cases.

The Judicial Academy’s Governing Committee Member and High Court of J&K and Ladakh Judge, Justice Rahul Bharti, officially opened the training session. Anoop Sharma, Registrar Computer (IT), High Court of J&K and Ladakh, and Subash Gupta, former District and Session Judge, served as additional resource individuals for the training session.


In his inauguration speech, Justice Rahul Bharti emphasized that the process server’s responsibility is to make sure the right people get the legal papers in a timely and proper way.
Process servers play a vital part in many legal procedures, which makes their work rather complicated.
He emphasized how the introduction of technology has significantly altered the process serving mechanism and that the capacity of process servers to adapt to changing times would be improved by training programs such as this one.
Yash Paul Bourney, Director of J&K Judicial Academy, welcomed everyone and provided a summary of the agenda.
He emphasized that in order to work at the Temple of Justice, process servers and orderlies must uphold the highest standards of both personal and professional behavior. They also need to inspire people’s confidence in their abilities and effectiveness. He also said that process servers had to be in close contact with the defendants and follow the dates for serving.
Subash Gupta, a former district and session judge, instructed participants from different district courts on the pertinent laws of the CPC and CrPC that pertain to the responsibilities of process servers, Nazir Tameelaat, and SOs during the first technical session.
The resource person spoke about the obligations of process servers and the service of processes, which includes submitting reports.
During the interactive session, the challenges associated with daily functioning were also recognized, and workable solutions were recommended.
Along with helping the presiding officers with their daily tasks, he also provided guidance to the participants on the upkeep of files, registers, records of process and service, cause lists, and summons execution.
During the second technical session, Anoop Sharma, the Registrar Computer (IT) resource person, spoke about several online service channels, such as email, WhatsApp, and NSTEP (National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes).
He emphasized that the Case Information System (CIS), the NSTEP online application, and the NSTEP mobile application work together to create NSTEP.
Regarding the tasks that needed to be completed by the process server on the NSTEP mobile application, he gave the participants guidance.
He provided a step-by-step explanation of how to use the NSTEP program via a PowerPoint presentation.



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