75 unique locations are open for guests to explore: Tourism Secretary
75 unique locations are open for guests to explore: Tourism Secretary

Sep. 10, Kupwara: Syed Abid Rashid, the secretary of tourism, reaffirmed the J&K government’s commitment to including more unusual travel sites on the tourist map by stating that 75 unusual travel destinations had been prepared to mark the country’s 75th anniversary of independence.

While speaking to a crowd at the Bangus Festival, he said this.


According to the tourism secretary, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha’s ambition to develop tourism and bring more tourists to the region in the future was to organise the Bangus festival.

He noted the LG’s instructions to include more undeveloped and uncharted oddball locations on the J&K tourism map.

In celebration of 75 years of independence, 75 new tourist locations have been discovered and are now being developed, according to Rashid.

The Secretary of Tourism gave the crowd more assurances that Bangus will change significantly in the coming years as long as efforts were made, and that Bangus would ultimately become a well-known international tourist destination.

The Secretary of Tourism noted Kupwara’s potential for tourism and said that the Government is committed to investigating adventure and border tourism in North Kashmir and requested the assistance of the locals to accomplish the Government’s aim.

Vijay Kumar Bhiduri, Divisional Commissioner for Kashmir, who also spoke at the event, stated that on the orders of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, the Valley’s tourist potential was being investigated.

“Kupwara is becoming into the valley’s tourist centre over time. The Keran area alone has received 30,000 tourists so far, including residents and tourists from neighbouring states, he informed the crowd.

He also emphasised the possibility for communities to generate revenue from border tourist locations via the setup of tents and homestays.

While promising the crowd that more tourism marketing will be done for the tourist destinations in North Kashmir, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir said that 1.58 crore visitors visited J&K in comparison to more than one crore the previous year.



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