A campaign to remove e-waste from campuses is being started by the Central University of Kashmir
A campaign to remove e-waste from campuses is being started by the Central University of Kashmir

The Central University of Kashmir (CUK) today launched the “e-waste se raksha” Swachhata Hi Suraksha special campaign 3.0 to clear the electronic trash at the varsity’s campuses in conjunction with the Swachhata Pakhwada-2023.

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, initiated the initiative.


The campaign was a combined effort of the university’s Estates and ITSS wings, and participants included Dean Academic Affairs Prof. Shahid Rasool, Planning and Development Officer Prof. Syed Zahoor Geelani, academic members, and administrative employees.

Prof. Shahid Rasool addressed the crowd and said that appropriate management of e-waste, which consists of electrical and electronic gadgets, is urgently needed. He told the attendees that Vice-Chancellor Prof. A. Ravinder Nath is extremely serious about the continuing cleaning initiative, not only on university grounds but also in the neighbourhood. The vice chancellor wants the institution and surrounding surroundings to be free of all trash, including e-waste. Prof. Shahid requested the relevant divisions come up with a method for e-waste disposal that would be appropriate.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Syed Zahoor Geelani stated that the growing problem of electronic trash has reached an alarming degree and has to be investigated as soon as feasible. According to him, since technology advances quickly, electronic and electrical gadgets become obsolete and must be disposed of right away to avoid posing a risk to people and the environment.

Green computing may be promoted via good e-waste management, according to campaign Nodal Officer Dr. Yash Paul. He said that more of these events would be held at the institution in the near future to educate the faculty and students on how to properly dispose of e-waste.

Imtiyaz Parray, Assistant Reg Estates, and Irfan Ahmad, System Analyst, oversaw the project and performed the essential preparations for the drive.



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