A look at the security and criminal situations in Baramulla by Amod Nagpure
A look at the security and criminal situations in Baramulla by Amod Nagpure

On Saturday, September 9th, at District Police Lines Baramulla, top Superintendent of Police Amod Ashok Nagapure met with top officials to discuss crime and security.

The meeting, according to the police spokesperson, was arranged so that SHOs could report on their investigations into drug dealers and OGWs so far this year and be encouraged to do more and better.


The official said that zeroing in on terrorist recruiting and enhancing the quality of investigations were important priorities in crime disposal measures. The function of officials in charge of supervision was also covered.

While speaking with the officers, SSP Baramulla emphasised the need to take strong action against individuals engaged in anti-national and anti-social actions, as well as the significance of strengthening the counter-insurgency and security grid in their particular districts.



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