After Nijjar's murder in Canada, the FBI sent warnings to prominent Sikhs in the United States
After Nijjar's murder in Canada, the FBI sent warnings to prominent Sikhs in the United States

Washington, 26 September: After the assassination of a “Sikh activist” in Canada last June, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) allegedly alerted at least three Americans who were involved in the Sikh community that their lives were in danger.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has blamed the Indian government for the apparent murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar. This accusation has reportedly received support from Canadian and US intelligence sources and has strained relations between Ottawa and the Narendra Modi administration in India, according to The Guardian.


According to the media outlet, the shocking claim that India committed an extrajudicial killing on Canadian soil—a claim that India has refuted—has led to a re-examination of threats made against Sikh separatists around the world as well as Sikh activists’ claims of suspicious deaths in the UK and Pakistan in the weeks prior to the murder.



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