Airstrikes are conducted by Turkey on PKK targets in Iraq
Airstrikes are conducted by Turkey on PKK targets in Iraq

17 September, Ankara According to the Turkish Defence Ministry, the Turkish military launched two airstrikes on PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) targets in northern Iraq.

According to a statement from the Ministry issued on Saturday, the air operations, carried out on Wednesday and Friday, targeted PKK hideouts in the Gara area and “neutralised” top group members by destroying a total of 31 targets.


According to the Ministry, the objectives included caverns, shelters, and stockpiles utilised by PKK fighters.

According to Xinhua news agency, Turkish officials often use the phrase “neutralised” in their pronouncements to indicate the “terrorists” in issue surrendered, were killed, or were caught.

The PKK has bases and hideouts in northern Iraq, where Turkish security forces often undertake cross-border operations. From these locations, the PKK launches assaults against Turkey.

The PKK has been in uprising against the Turkish government for more than three decades and is recognised as a terrorist group by Turkey, the US, and the EU.



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