Manzoor Bhat, a member of the BJP, was honoured with the young icon and inspiration award
Manzoor Bhat, a member of the BJP, was honoured with the young icon and inspiration award

Srinagar, October 2nd, 2018: The Jammu and Kashmir Bharatiya Janta Party unit said on Monday that the eight leaders who were served notice over indiscipline have expressed “unconditional apology” over their behaviour and have provided promise to not repeat similar acts in the future.

According to a top BJP official, all eight leaders have filed a “unconditional apology” in response to the warning issued to them, and they have also provided an assurance not to repeat such behaviour or engage in anti-party activities or indiscipline in the future.


Dr. Ali Mohd Mir, G. M. Mir, Altaf Thakur, Manzoor Ahmed Bhat, Arif Raja, Bilal Parray, Anwar Khan, and Asif Masoodi are just few of the prominent figures who have been put on notice.

He said the party’s disciplinary committee has decided to drop the charges against them since they have apologised and because of their reputation and contributions in the past.

The leaders have been warned that if they don’t stick to their word, they’ll face severe consequences.



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