Baramulla police have begun proclamation procedures against an active terrorist
Baramulla police have begun proclamation procedures against an active terrorist

8. October, Srinagar: According to the Baramulla Police Department, proclamation procedures were launched against an active terrorist this past Sunday.

According to a statement that was issued by the J&K Police here, authorities in Baramulla, in coordination with the Revenue Department, initiated proclamation proceedings under Section 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) against an active terrorist named Abid Qayoom Lone. Lone is the son of Abdul Qayoom of Wussan Khoie Pattan, and he is suspected of being involved in multiple acts of terrorism.

“In this respect, case FIR No. 120/2023 under Section 7/25 of the IA Act, 18, 20, 23, 38, and 39 of the UA (P) Act, and 4/5 of the Explosive Substances Act is already recorded against him at Police Station Pattan. [Case] FIR No. 120/2023 under Section 7/25 of the IA Act, 18, 20, 23, 38, and 39 of the UA (P) Act


Amod Ashok Nagpure, who holds the position of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Baramulla, said that the police in Baramulla are dedicated to maintaining the law and safeguarding the safety and security of the people.

“We are working closely with other agencies to follow due process and bring such elements to justice,” he said.

According to a statement released by the Jammu and Kashmir Police, legal procedures have been launched against the terrorist who is avoiding his arrest since an open, non-bailable warrant against him dated August 17, 2023, could not be executed.

It was stated that a proclamation notice under Section 82 of the CrPC that was issued by the Court of Additional Sessions Judge Baramulla on September 21, 2023, had been pasted and circulated at his residence as well as other prominent places in his respective native villages in the presence of revenue officials with the directions that the wanted terrorist should surrender before the investigation officer or court of law; otherwise, further proceedings would be initiated accordingly against him. The directions stated that the proclamation notice had been circulated in the presence of revenue officials.



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