CBC runs a two-day outreach project in Shopian to talk about drug use
CBC runs a two-day outreach project in Shopian to talk about drug use

Shopian, September 21: The Indian government’s Central Bureau of Communication (CBC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, wrapped up a two-day Integrated Communication and Outreach Programme (ICOP) at Shopian on Thursday.

The ICOP was held at the IM-Government Degree College in Shopian. It was put on by the CBC’s Field Office in Anantnag to teach the public about different government programmes for public welfare. This was done through a photo show, informational standees, expert talks, and written awareness materials.


On the last day of the outreach programme, people learned about the dangers of drug abuse and about different plans to improve their health and well-being.

Tanushree, who is the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Shopian, was the event’s most important speaker.

In her speech as president, the SSP praised CBC for putting together the outreach project and picking drug abuse as the theme for raising awareness. She said that cops have a two-pronged plan to fight drug and substance abuse. On the one hand, they try to lower the demand for drugs by helping users get clean and counselling them. On the other hand, they try to stop the supply of drugs.

She said that most users start using drugs and other mind-altering substances because of group pressure or because they want to try something new. Because of this, she said, parents should keep an eye on who their kids are going out with.

She told people, especially young people, to look out for the first signs of drug abuse in their friends and family so they could help them or call the cops.



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