Christmas greetings from DGP R.R. Swain
Christmas greetings from DGP R.R. Swain

December 24: Jammu “In the glittering festive atmosphere, DGP R.R. Swain sends his warmest Christmas greetings to the dynamic people of Jammu and Kashmir, our tenacious police and security officers, and the distinguished families of our martyrs.”

It is fitting to celebrate peace and prosperity with delight during this unique season. Embracing the spirit of generosity, kindness, and togetherness, as well as lending a helping hand to those in need in our society, let’s fully embrace the fundamental meaning of Christmas.


Let the qualities of forgiveness and love shine as we get together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. May these qualities lead us to a prosperous and harmonious new year. I’m sending the resilient and dynamic people of J&K my abundant blessings for peace and prosperity.



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