Dalgate bridge work is moving too slowly, say commuters
Dalgate bridge work is moving too slowly, say commuters

Srinagar: The Dalgate bridge construction has drawn criticism from local commuters for moving too slowly.

They claimed that the excessive delay in finishing Dalgate Bridge construction was having an impact on them. The popular Dalgate road, which links numerous neighbourhoods, including City Centre, Downtown, and Boulevard, has been experiencing persistent traffic congestion, according to commuters, since the renovation wasn’t finished.


Authorities from the traffic division said that because of the bridge’s construction, MA Road is now seeing a high influx of traffic that exceeds its capacity.

As opposed to using Badyari Crossing, they said, cars headed for Dalgate from Downtown choose the Sangarmal route, adding to the already heavy traffic on the MA road.

“For a very long time, the construction of the bridge has moved at a glacial pace. Traffic jams are being caused by the detour after the building works. Traffic is backed up close to Dalgate Badyari Chowk whether you are coming from Downtown, Boulevard, or City Centre. Due to the lengthy traffic delays caused by this, commuters suffer greatly. There doesn’t seem to have been much progress since we last saw the construction in process, according to commuter Farooq Ahmad.

The passengers claimed that the diversions brought on by the building project are having an adverse effect on other roads nearby and causing significant traffic congestion. They said that office workers became caught in Dalgate’s traffic bottlenecks for this reason.

The morning and evening rush hours are when traffic congestion are at their worst. Numerous students and office workers use the roads that are affected by the construction project, which results in significant traffic congestion, according to student Abdul Hamid.

Shakir Ahmad, a resident who lives close to Badyari Chowk Dalgate, said that “the problem has caused us difficulty. Our usual commute has almost become impossible. Our school-going children are also suffering. The issue is also hampering the movement of essential services,”

Greater Kashmir did a series of stories on the issue, and the official from the R&B said that the work will be completed by the end of this year. In a recent conversation with this reporter, a senior official from the department said that they have started work in full swing and the work on the project will be completed by December this year.



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