Discussing national marketing opportunities for trout fish, the director of fisheries
Discussing national marketing opportunities for trout fish, the director of fisheries

The Director Fisheries, J&K, Mohammad Farooq Dar, called a meeting here on October 12 to discuss the sale of trout at the national level.

All of the Joint Directors, the CPO for Marketing in Jammu and Kashmir, the SPO for Marketing in Kashmir, the district officials from Anantnag, Srinagar, Ganderbal, and Samba, as well as representatives from the FFPOs in Trout District Anantnag, attended the meeting.


In order to simplify the marketing outside the UT and improve profits for the fish farmers, the Director first conducted a first-hand assessment of the saleable trout stocks that already existed in the private sector.

In order to promote the delicacy of Kashmir Trout, which has special medicinal and nutritional properties, Director Fisheries emphasised the need to implement short-term emergent actions to create market links in Metropolitan cities.

A core group committee of top authorities, led by Joint Director Fisheries, South, Kashmir, was formed to investigate the point of contact at different fish markets/warehouses in order to provide hassle-free selling channels for the fish farmers and business owners of UT of J&K. The project would help the Department of Fisheries’ efforts to execute the numerous Centrally Sponsored Schemes, which have resulted in a significant improvement or rise in the production of fish, to better market its products.

To build JK Trout’s appeal among the fish-loving community and customers, focus was placed on branding the product throughout the nation.



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