Div Com examines plans for Kashmir's Republic Day festivities in 2024
Div Com examines plans for Kashmir's Republic Day festivities in 2024

SRINAGAR, DECEMBER 26: Today, a high-level conference was conducted by Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, the Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) of Kashmir, to assess the security and civil preparations for the upcoming Republic Day celebration.

The J&K Sports Council, Srinagar; HoDs and representatives from PWD (R&B), KPDCL, School Education, Health Services, PHE, UEED, MED Kashmir; Hospitality & Protocol, Fire & Emergency Services, Academy of Art Culture & Languages, Kashmir; Information Department, Floriculture, Regional Transport; Youth Services & Sports, State Motors Garages Kashmir SMC, Srinagar; and officers from other departments attended the meeting.


Officers from the CRPF, SSP Srinagar, and DIG BSF Srinagar attended the meeting in person.

Through videoconferencing, all DCs, DIG CKR, SSPs, and other police personnel, as well as traffic, attended the meeting.

The committee decided that Bakshi Stadium would host Republic Day’s major event once the Independence Day festivities in 2023 were successfully held there.

Similar to Independence Day, everyone is welcome to attend, and free admission will be granted upon presentation of an ID card.

In the meantime, the Divisional Commissioner gave the relevant personnel many instructions to ensure the seamless execution of the national event. When creating plans, he emphasized the need for good coordination between the relevant departments.

Officers of line departments were instructed by the Div Com to take full responsibility for the enthusiastic and joyous Republic Day celebration and to play a complete and active role in it.

He gave directives to relevant departments regarding contingent selection, cultural programming, participant transportation and rehearsals, traffic control, security, refreshments, lighting of government buildings, and other crucial preparations for a seamless event.

22 band and parade contingents were finalized for the event at the conference; 14 of them were from the police and security services, and 8 were from the NCC and schoolchildren.

Authorities from KPDCL were instructed to make sure that the key government buildings were lit up to give them a festive appearance. It was requested that the PW (R&B) department provide for heating.

Additionally, Div. Com gave an officer from the Cultural Academy instructions to organize seven cultural programs that center on peace within the community and patriotism.

Additionally, Div Com instructed relevant authorities, police, and Radio Kashmir to depute commentators for the live commentary.

In addition to the previous practice, Div Com instructed Floriculture divisions to create more artistic and elegant flower arrangements.

In addition, he gave the Health Department instructions to send out an ambulance, paramedic team, and physicians, in addition to the first aid team, to the Republic Day celebration location.

In the event of snowfall, he also gave SMC and MED instructions on how to clear the major function venue’s parking lots and roads that link to the designated locations.

During the conference, topics including housing and boarding, as well as participant refreshments, were covered. Those in charge were instructed to make the necessary arrangements for these things.

The Div Com instructed the officer to make sure there were enough drinking water arrangements at the location, emphasizing the importance of water facilities.

He also urged all involved authorities to make sure that all preparations are made far in advance so that Republic Day may be celebrated successfully and without incident.

Later, the Div Com visited Bakshi Stadium—the location of the main function—to evaluate the preparations.

Along with him were other officers and authorities, such as the DIG Armed, DC Srinagar, Commissioner SMC, C.Es of R&B, and SSP Srinagar.

After doing a quick assessment of every setup, the Div Com gave all the officers instructions to make sure everything was perfect at the location. He said that there are still many days before the national event, so any last-minute changes to plans or preparations must be made; no exceptions would be allowed.



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