Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India
Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India

December 26, Srinagar: Dr. Farooq Abdullah, the president of the National Conference, encouraged Pakistan and India on Tuesday to engage in communication in order to settle the conflict that is causing innocent lives to be lost in Jammu and Kashmir.

In an interview with reporters here, Dr. Farooq said that communication is the only approach to addressing unresolved problems. He warned that J&K may soon resemble Gaza and Palestine if India and Pakistan do not recognize the gravity of the situation and act immediately to restore peace.


He reminded everyone of Late Vajpayee’s maxim that “neighbors cannot be changed, but friends can,” and he appealed to both countries to come up with solutions via cooperation.” The late Vajpayee once said that neighbors cannot be changed, but friends can. Only when we keep up positive ties with our neighbors will we be able to advance. According to PM Modi, going to war is not an option. Therefore, why are we not listening to Pakistani voices of dialogue if they are there today? According to KNS, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said, “God forbid the day is not far when our situation will be like Gaza and Palestine if we do not resolve our issues through dialogue.”

He said that India and Pakistan will both flourish if we continue to have cordial ties with our neighbors.

He said, “They are saying that we are ready to talk (with India), but why are we not ready to talk?” Nawaz Sharif is about to take over as prime minister of Pakistan. We are going to suffer the same fate as Gaza and Palestine if we cannot resolve this through peaceful means.



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