Extreme sports: Arif Laigaroo raises some worries
Extreme sports: Arif Laigaroo raises some worries

Srinagar, August 6: Habba Kadal Arif Laigaroo, a PDP politician and the constituency incharge in Srinagar, has voiced his worry over the issue of adolescents doing dangerous stunts while riding their bikes in the uptown region of the city.

He made a statement saying that adolescents in Parraypora, Baghat, and Hyderpora are involved in stunt riding. Thousands of young boys and girls flock to the neighbourhood every day to attend one of the dozens of private tuition institutes or two highly regarded institutions. According to Laigaroo, the people of these neighbourhoods are severely disrupted by the boisterous motorcyclists every morning. He said that there are occasions when the noise they make is intolerable.Laigaroo is trying to take drastic action to fix the issue. “The authorities must take tough action against stunt bikers and confiscate their bikes whenever they catch them,” he said. He suggested that parents discourage their children from engaging in stunt motorcycling.



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