Failed attempt to smuggle cattle 53 automobiles are confiscated, 64 people are detained
Failed attempt to smuggle cattle 53 automobiles are confiscated, 64 people are detained

Ramban police stopped a significant attempt to smuggle cattle on September 5. More than 800 cattle that were being illegally carried in 53 trucks in the direction of Kashmir were saved on Tuesday at several police checkpoints set up along the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway in the Ramban area.

The cars were confiscated, and 63 people were charged in accordance with the applicable laws.


The police said that 53 different kinds of cars transporting cattle were stopped on the route between Jammu and Srinagar by various police teams from Police Stations Batote, Chanderkote, Ramban, Ramsu, Banihal, and Dhramkund.

They said that 816 cattle were discovered loaded inside all of these cars. They said that there were no provisions for food or water and that the animals were kept in abhorrent circumstances.

In addition to this, three additional cattle that were being taken on foot for smuggling and illicit commerce were saved.

According to the police, these cattle were being brought to the valley without a proper permit from the appropriate government.



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